VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools manufactures superior quality LED lights that utilize the form factor of traditional flashlights. The function of each VSSL unit extends well beyond illumination. Each unique VSSL offers an extremely compact and efficient way of transporting your essential outdoor gear, without compromising valuable pack space and weight.
VSSL products have been showcased and reviewed in many of the most popular online sites as well as Popular Mechanics, Men's Fitness, TIME, Outside Magazine and many others.
A flashlight is one of the primary tools for camping, overnight outdoors or emergency/survival situations. In the past, the flashlight handle was required to hold the batteries needed to power inefficient bulbs.
Today, high efficiency LED lights power quality flashlights. The battery requirements are substantially less, and the handle can now be used for other useful purposes. VSSL Outdoor Utility Tools were created to utilize that now obsolete space, while at the same time maintaining the practical form factor of the traditional torchlight.
Our tool is intended to evolve. We’ve provided contents we feel are essential for challenging situations, but we are confident our customers will really see VSSL as just that; a container used to house items of importance to its owner.
You determine what is important for your situation and we’ll provide the right tool.