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Every day 25 of us and our nine dogs come together in a 200-year old refurbished textile mill in Dover, New Hampshire to make the most creative, thoughtfully-designed outdoor gear in the world. Sitting four stories above a river that takes you straight to the ocean by kayak, we design and build the kind of gear we love to use ourselves.

NEMO is founded on a commitment to adventure – to the fearless pursuit of uncharted paths, in everything from the equipment we build to the way we run our business. Bravely exploring new directions opens our minds, brings us closer to the people we depend on, sharpens our wits, and lifts our spirits.

Adventure gives us purpose and perspective. It makes us humble and proud. We believe meaningful adventures are possible for everyone, anywhere. Possible, that is, if you bring the will, the imagination, and the right gear.

We’re motivated by this mission on a daily basis, and we have a lot of fun along the way. Here’s a peek into our company.

  1. Adventuring makes us better human beings.
  2. To the Mountains! We sit an hour south of the craggy White Mountains, famously home of the worst weather in the world.
  3. To the Ocean! We’re 15 minutes away from the surf, allowing us to catch some waves before heading into the office.
  4. The team that bikes, hikes, climbs and skis together is the strongest team.
  5. Design and engineering are complementary pieces of the puzzle of creating great solutions.
  6. We should use our business not only to improve the experience of adventure, but also to protect the places we adventure.
  7. We decided on Birch Leaf Green back in 2002 – the color of nearly half our products – by walking outside and plucking a birch leaf off a tree, then matching the color in a Pantone book.
  8. Before starting NEMO, Cam helped design the next generation of space suits for NASA.
  9. Our first airbeam took more than 1500 straight pins to achieve its compound curve.
  10. The name “NEMO” started out as an acronym for “New England Mountain Outfitters” and was a nod to Jules Verne’s Captain Nemo, an adventurer, moral crusader, and engineer. In Latin, “Nemo” means “No Man,” and in Mandarin it translates as “Square.”
