Mountaineers Books

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Leading readers to the lessons and pleasures of the great outdoors


Mountaineers Books was established in 1960 by volunteers of The Mountaineers, first to make our climbing knowledge available in the form of Mountaineering: The Freedom of the Hills (the world's best-selling climbing instructional text). That book spawned our publishing division, Mountaineers Books, which has grown along with our Pacific Northwest programs to get people into wildernessFreedom 9areas and build a community of advocates for wild places. 

An independent, nonprofit book publisher with 57 years, 700 titles, and award winning publications."

Today,  Mountaineering: the Freedom of the Hills is in its ninth edition, and Mountaineers Books is the nation's leading independent publisher of outdoor recreation, lifestyle, and conservation books. We have more than 700 titles in print, and distribute the books of other like-minded outdoor nonprofits, including the American Alpine Club, Colorado Mountain Club, and the Adventure Cycling Association. 

Mountaineers Books