Starting in the early 80's as a distributor of other outdoor brands, we began to build our own gear in 1997. Since then we have created many highly innovative products and won many awards for our designs.
All highly motivated outdoor people specialised in their skills and often found playing in the wild.
The maximum outdoor experience with minimal means. Nature with all its fascinating elements is best experienced with essential and functionally refined equipment.
We develop high performance outdoor gear that empowers our users in the pursuit of unrestricted outdoor experiences – wherever your next expedition may lead you to, be it a nearby forest, tropical jungles, a remote mountain peak or challenging waters: for trekking, climbing, hiking and globetrotting.
The concepts behind our products are born from our team’s varied personal experiences in nature and those of demanding expedition professionals. Our unrelenting focus on the specific needs of people in the outdoors inspires us to develop highly functional equipment. Every idea experienced.
The principle “less is more” flows into the development of our gear in which every feature and extra is one hundred percent in tune with its function in the outdoors. Refined details increase the functionality and comfort of our products with the use of minimal means. Every detail screened.
We tirelessly follow our own exploratory voyage: the perfection of outdoor equipment. In the process we question the common conventions of our industry and search for new ways, using the latest technologies and materials, to develop surprisingly refined and functional products. Every goal thought through.
Our products should last as long as possible. The prerequisite being the use of quality materials, components, and production processes. It goes without saying that the most sustainable option is chosen. But strictly speaking the outdoor industry is still a byproduct of the oil industry, and often the most durable product is still the oil based one, whereas the natural option is greener but less durable. To find the right balance we need to continue our search for more sustainable alternatives. In the case of sleeping bags, we find that the most sustainable insulator is down originating from well bred animals (no force feeding, no live plucking).
Standards such as Bluesign, Ökotex etc. certify countless components and products, even though we don’t put it on a big banner - there is almost never a 100% clear truth. Because we use Exped products intensively ourselves we we feel compelled to find the right balance.
We take our social responsibilities very seriously. Our partner factories are real partners to us and have been so typically for over 10 years. The only way high quality products can be created. Our retailers are our partners, the only way personalized service can be offered to you the consumer.
This little country in the heart of Europe, squished up against the Alps, accommodates peculiar people. It may lie in the long winters, the four different cultures, or the deep mountain valleys: in any case strange ideas thrive that turn out to be simple and versatile. Add an eye for detail and you get a perfectly devised product.